
I to write in confirmation that Maphosa Attorneys has provided the South African Insurance Association (“SAIA”) with legal services. The firm has demonstrated expertise in, amongst others, the areas of labour law and insurance regulation.
SAIA recently sought the services of Maphosa Attorneys in a labour matter. I am pleased to confirm that the firm provided us with well-researched, prompt and expert legal advisory services in the matter. We also found their fees to be very reasonable.
You are welcome to contact the writer with any specific queries.
Nicol B Champaud SAIA - Manager of Human Resources
Maphosa Attorneys played a pivotal role in us establishing a new offering for the broader SADC Region, with their expertise, steer, input and guidance assisted us in breaking through the complexities and develop the required frameworks to initiate discussions with our key stakeholders and regulators. A dependable team.
Ruhling HerbstBankservAfrica : Executive Head Africa Business Development
Maphosa Attorneys have been on the National Lotteries Commission’s legal services panel for about two years. They have assisted us with simple and complex legal matters. In all our encounters they have conducted themselves in a professional manner, work well under pressure and are solution orientated.
It is a great pleasure to work with them
Gugulethu YakoNational Lotteries Commission : Legal Manager